Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bluetooth Advertising in Shanghai and You - Bluetooth Advertising and Proximity Marketing Blog

Take a few minutes to enjoy this insightful interview with the founder of Chinese Bluetooth advertiser Pioco. With typical acceptance rates hovering near 50%, Pioco has already enlisted 5,000 locations for their Bluetooth proximity marketing network with thousands more in the works.

Take a cue from Pioco's success and set up a Bluetooth advertising network in your locale. In fact, if your offices are located in major foot-traffic centers, you could simply install Bluetooth transmitters on-site and advertise your company or sell third-party ad space.

As you consider building a Bluetooth proximity marketing network, remember that the most effective campaigns feature high quality content sent to targeted consumers. On the flip side, if you simply ping drivers-by with irrelevant and annoying content, you will erode your brand and infuriate the masses. Think movie trailers at theaters, coupons in restaurants and score updates at sports bars.

As marketing maven Seth Godin says in his brilliant Unleashing the Ideavirus, most folks today only trust who they know or what they know. Bluetooth marketing targets those who know you and your products, maximizing sales among your fans rather than pushing unwanted content on the unsuspecting public.

If you're ready to build your own Bluetooth advertising network and/or begin using Bluetooth marketing in your business, contact Lucky Rock Consulting.

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Bluetooth Advertising Takes a Religious Turn - Bluetooth Advertising and Proximity Marketing Blog

India is fast becoming a hot market for Bluetooth advertising. We've previously reported on Bluetooth marketing at the Harry's Bar & Casino chain. Now comes news of Bluetooth advertising at Hindu temples.

While you may not agree with the religious content they're offering, don't let that stop you from utilizing Bluetooth broadcasting at your church.

No, you don't need to jump off the cliff into inauthenticity by hawking religion on people's cell phones. Yes, your church can provide helpful and potentially life-changing content via Bluetooth.

If your church campus is comprised of several buildings or if each section of your main building serves a different purpose--educational, children's ministry and otherwise--imagine Bluetoothing church maps and intro videos to visitors. You could also use Bluetooth to facilitate service signups at ministry fairs and other gatherings.

In fact, if your congregation plays host to community events, you could reach many unchurched folks with low-key intro videos and service times via Bluetooth. Just advertise the availability of content via simple print signage, through your closed circuit TV network or by some other means.

Bluetooth advertising can produce great results no matter your objective--monetary, eternal or otherwise. If you're ready to get started with Bluetooth marketing, contact Lucky Rock Consulting.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bluetooth Advertising Success in South Africa - Bluetooth Advertising and Proximity Marketing Blog

Bluetooth Advertising and Proximity Marketing - BP GasCheck out this quick but worthwhile article on a very successful BP Ultimate Bluetooth advertising campaign recently pulled off in South Africa. As the column mentions, one of the BIG keys in effective Bluetooth proximity marketing is simple messaging to alert folks to the availability of Bluetooth content. Especially in the States and other regions just now launching Bluetooth advertising, you must do a bit of hand-holding.

What's more, Bluetooth marketing is about reaching targeted consumers, not spamming anyone within reach of your transmitters. Lucky Rock Consulting and other smart Bluetooth advertising firms will maximize your reach within your niche, not annoy unsuspecting passers-by.

The good news, as evidenced in the above linked post, is that campaigns featuring quality content focused on your target audience, should yield incredible results. Typically, 30-50% of customers accept content...far better than print mailings and TV & radio advertising.

Bluetooth advertising can work for you whether you're a quick-service restauranteur, a luxury car dealer or radio station owner. But it must be targeted and relevant. And your Bluetooth broadcasts must be accompanied by visual reminders of available content and how to get it. If you do that, then expect the leads and the sales to start flooding in.

If you're ready to get started with Bluetooth advertising for your business or to setup a Bluetooth ad network in the States or abroad, contact Lucky Rock Consulting.

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bluetooth Advertising Car Dealerships - Bluetooth Advertising and Proximity Marketing Blog

One greatly overlooked Bluetooth advertising arena is auto dealerships. In fact, most folks interested in Bluetooth marketing confine their thoughts to retail locations such as malls and restaurants.

Indeed major shopping centers (centres for our UK readers) and other outlets offer great opportunities to deliver relevant content to targeted customers. See examples here and here. Still, car dealerships represent a largely untapped Bluetooth advertising gold mine.

Though you'll see few case studies online, likely because they don't want to key in their competition, several European and U.S. car dealerships are using Bluetooth to send sales-generating media to prospective buyers. Check out this Flickr photo featuring Audi's Bluetooth proximity marketing in Stockholm.

Imagine visitors being able to freely receive short video intros to your latest, hottest models. If customers accept the content, they'd almost certainly be in a better mood to buy right then and there. Not only that, your video will likely stay on their phone for nearly a year, allowing them to show it to their spouses for approval and spread the word about your cars and your dealership to all the friends and family they forward the video to. When is the last time your glossy, costly print brochures did that?

A quick caveat.

Your Bluetooth success will hinge on reaching targeted consumers, not spamming anyone who drives by your dealership. Permission-based Bluetooth advertising to interested customers boasts typical 30-50% acceptance rates. In fact, the cooler the content, the better your chances. However, blindly transmitting content to unsuspecting passers-by is a sure way to anger potential customers and generate bad press. Targeting dealership visitors is the best way to see maximize your Bluetooth ROI.

If you're ready to get started with low-cost, high-yield Bluetooth auto dealership advertising, contact Lucky Rock Consulting.

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