Imagine sending a free, opt-in advertisement to the cell phones of even half the folks who show up to your next concert or live remote.
Listeners who drop by a Ford dealer for a hot dog and to say hi to your morning host could receive specific model info (including short intro videos) on their cell phones and perhaps strike up a meaningful conversation with a salesperson. Restaurants that sponsor your next food & wine festival could send exclusive coupons to attendees via Bluetooth. Bands and other performers could distribute bonus tracks in exchange for fan club signups.
The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.
As a longtime event coordinator, I know that information capture at events--while folks are excited--is mission critical. Bluetooth marketing offers a permission-based way for radio stations to offer relevant content gather info on all they come into contact with.
Rather than just Bluetooth at events, and thank me for this idea by hiring Lucky Rock, attach a Bluetooth transmitter to your station van (the one you paid a thousand bucks to custom paint), and drive laps around your downtown sending out free goodies to fellow drivers and folks on foot. And be sure to promote the Bluetooth giveaways heavily on-air. People might actually get excited when they see your van coming and the free press will be great.
The goal of events is to increase visibility for the radio station and for sponsors. Don't just put a flier in folks' hands and call that a promotion. Give people something cool to interact with via Bluetooth. Radio station events without Bluetooth are so last century, (insert valley girl accent here).
If your radio station is ready to start Bluetooth advertising, contact Lucky Rock Consulting.