Greetings marketers and forward-thinking business and non-profit leaders. This blog will cover Bluetooth marketing news and views with a heavy focus on practical insights to help you maximize profit and achieve business and ministry goals.
Just yesterday I spoke with a major Bluetooth broadcasting hardware manufacturer. He rattled off a list of international conglomerates now experimenting with Bluetooth marketing. Not surprisingly, many Bluetooth marketers are major retailers. But they're not the only ones using Bluetooth to sell B2B and B2C. But I'll tell you more about that in coming posts.
FYI, I personally own Bluetooth broadcasting equipment and through trial and error and a helping hand from key industry folks such as Dan Hurd from Proxiblaster, I've learned how to navigate this potential-packed waters. This blog is my labor to bring you up to speed and to give you a taste of what I can help you accomplish through Bluetooth proximity marketing.
I'll soon post a Bluetooth lingo dictionary, key links, and more. I'll also make available my research into Bluetooth marketing-friendly mobile phones and other devices. Forget what your local mall rat mobile phone salesman tells you. Not all Bluetooth is the same.
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