Monday, June 30, 2008

Bluetooth Mall Advertising Six Months Later - Bluetooth Advertising and Proximity Marketing Blog

The Forum Mall in Bangalore, IndiaWhat's the point of Bluetooth advertising if it doesn't work? Real world results are the true test of Bluetooth and any other marketing channel. With direct mail, a 1-5% return is typical. If radio and TV yield 15-20%, you're singing in the rain.

So what about Bluetooth marketing? What are typical response rates, as measured by percentage of Bluetooth-enabled users that accept content and a simple download count?

My research on Bluetooth advertising in Europe, Asia, Africa and here in the States reveals a typical 30-40% content acceptance rate. Check out our industry-specific posts for more on that.

This article talks about the great success that Forum Mall tenants in India are having with Bluetooth marketing. Though they haven't revealed their customer conversion rates, downloads are cruising along at 20,000/month now six months later--a good sign of the staying power and cost-effectiveness of Bluetooth advertising.

If you're considering your own Bluetooth campaign, contact Lucky Rock Consulting. We feature affordable turnkey solutions and optional ad support.

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Friday, June 27, 2008

Bluetooth Advertising City Guides - Bluetooth Advertising and Proximity Marketing Blog

In the words of Dan Hurd, CEO of Proxiblaster, things are heating up.

In just a couple of weeks of doling out marketing tips and posting about Bluetooth advertising on real estate forums, several brokers and agents have contacted me from all over the States. These folks come on the heels of the significant international traffic this blog continues to receive. Thanks to everyone from around the world for visiting. We're certainly willing and able to help you no matter your locale.

Today we bring you news of the world's first Bluetooth city guide. For you chamber of commerce members out there, imagine the business revenue that would be generated by offering great content including maps, restaurant listings and more via Bluetooth. Cha-ching!

For you entrepreneurs, as I blogged about earlier this week, you should set up a Bluetooth advertising network on the main strip of your city or town. The city of Leeds (see linked article) simply created "LeedsCast" zones in strategic spots around their town including the City Center and bus and train stations. With our help with the hardware and ad content, you could build a similar low maintenance network and market it to local businesses.

To get started with Bluetooth advertising, contact Lucky Rock Consulting.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Monetize Your Location through a Bluetooth Ad Network - Bluetooth Advertising and Proximity Marketing Blog

As I spoke this week with real estate professionals from across the U.S. about Bluetooth marketing for realty, I began thinking about the number of realty offices located in downtowns and other high-traffic areas. They would be ideal candidates for establishing a Bluetooth advertising network on which they could sell virtual space to nearby businesses.

In fact, I'm planning to work with one entrepreneurial real estate pro to establish just such a Bluetooth ad network in a famous Mexican resort town.

No matter your profession, if your office is located in a prime part of town, imagine turning it into a Bluetooth hot zone and selling ad space to local restaurants and clubs. If you're ministry-minded, you could turn the ad space over to your church or other non-profits.

Of course, as you consider establishing a Bluetooth ad network you must remember that the cooler the content, the better the acceptance rates. Simple fliers will not yield nearly the results as exclusive coupons, movie clips, etc. Also keep in mind that businesses in close proximity to your network will see the best results because recipients are already in the area and perhaps/likely interested.

You could divide the ad space by day part and length of broadcast. Imagine a restaurant being able to broadcast it's latest offerings to all downtown passers-by during the dinner hour. Imagine a church sending out invitations and maps on the night before its next service. You can make that happen with your own Bluetooth ad network.

If you're ready to better monetize your prime location, contact Lucky Rock Consulting today.

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Friday, June 20, 2008

Bluetooth Advertising at Trade Shows - Bluetooth Advertising and Proximity Marketing Blog

Bluetooth marketing works great at large conferences and trade shows. Bluetooth advertising can set vendors apart from other exhibitors by allowing them to send short intro videos, invites to come by a booth and more. Show hosts can also use Bluetooth marketing to deliver content, including sponsor ads, meeting schedules and lots more.

Check out this great (if not a bit lengthy) article on Bluetooth marketing. Especially notice the following:

"Microsoft used (Bluetooth) at its recent Tech:Ed conference in Orlando to deliver daily podcasts on key Microsoft technologies and recaps of conference highlights, mobile wallpapers and discount vouchers to over 2,000 delegates. There were eight bluecast points around the floor inviting visitors to enable their Bluetooth to receive the content. There were very high-levels of opt in with some content achieving a 37% opt in rate. 3,200 devices were discovered and over 2,100 content items were delivered. New media agency Interdirect also used Bluetooth at Internet World, inviting visitors to their stand with the lure of a branded prize draw message to win a day at Champneys. “It gave us the chance to cast our net on an automatic basis,” says MD, Nicholas Mann."

The article also mentions Adidas' use of Bluetooth at an internal marketing conference, whereby they delivered keynote speaker info and schedules to attendees.

If you're a vendor ready to shine at the next trade show or if you're an event host looking to generate significant new sponsorship dollars, contact Lucky Rock Consulting. We can set up a low-cost, highly effective Bluetooth campaign complete with all the hardware you'll need, in just 1-2 weeks.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Singapore Bluetooth Ad Network - Bluetooth Advertising and Proximity Marketing Blog

Today we bring you news of another great Bluetooth advertising campaign, this time at Harry's restaurant and bar chain in Singapore. As the article relates, Harry's plans to offer third-party ads and exclusive content to customers via Bluetooth and through a special log-in page folks will see when they access Harry's WiFi network.

If you're a restaurant chain owner, think about delivering cool content right to patrons' cell phones. Not that coupons won't work great, but go beyond all that to deliver sweet content and build brand buzz, especially if you're a Dave & Buster's or Game Stop type of establishment.

Consider the Lexus campaign that ran during this past weekend's U.S. Open golf tournament.

The Lexus ads spoke of lending courtesy vehicles to four champion golfers and the high-speed hijinks that ensued. At the end of the spot, viewers are encouraged to visit a special website to see a mini film--part of which ran in the commercial. You've seen this type of ad before, but now you can add in your own low-cost Bluetooth twist.

You could encourage customers to submit their own short films, which would air for a month, in-store over your Bluetooth network. Customers would keep coming back to check out contest entries and vote for winners. And the winners could be announced exclusively over your Bluetooth, again forcing patrons back to your restaurant.

In fact, create a big bash around the final announcement and invite a local radio station out to the prize party. Sell them Bluetooth ad space to accompany the winners' names. The business and the buzz would pour in, all for the cost of just one, little seen local TV spot.

If you're ready to generate loads of buzz and revenue with Bluetooth advertising, contact the Lucky Rock.

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Friday, June 13, 2008

Bluetooth Advertising for Radio Stations - Bluetooth Advertising and Proximity Marketing Blog

Imagine sending a free, opt-in advertisement to the cell phones of even half the folks who show up to your next concert or live remote.

Listeners who drop by a Ford dealer for a hot dog and to say hi to your morning host could receive specific model info (including short intro videos) on their cell phones and perhaps strike up a meaningful conversation with a salesperson. Restaurants that sponsor your next food & wine festival could send exclusive coupons to attendees via Bluetooth. Bands and other performers could distribute bonus tracks in exchange for fan club signups.

The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

As a longtime event coordinator, I know that information capture at events--while folks are excited--is mission critical. Bluetooth marketing offers a permission-based way for radio stations to offer relevant content gather info on all they come into contact with.

Rather than just Bluetooth at events, and thank me for this idea by hiring Lucky Rock, attach a Bluetooth transmitter to your station van (the one you paid a thousand bucks to custom paint), and drive laps around your downtown sending out free goodies to fellow drivers and folks on foot. And be sure to promote the Bluetooth giveaways heavily on-air. People might actually get excited when they see your van coming and the free press will be great.

The goal of events is to increase visibility for the radio station and for sponsors. Don't just put a flier in folks' hands and call that a promotion. Give people something cool to interact with via Bluetooth. Radio station events without Bluetooth are so last century, (insert valley girl accent here).

If your radio station is ready to start Bluetooth advertising, contact Lucky Rock Consulting.

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Bluetooth Advertising for the Luxury Marketplace - Bluetooth Advertising and Proximity Marketing Blog

Upon first introducing them to Bluetooth marketing--real estate brokers, car dealers, and others--a handful of luxury service providers react with disdain because they don't think that their target audience would respond to such "cheap sales tactics." The luxury market is built on relationships, don't I know? And those relationships aren't built by invading clients' cell phones.

My answer is that Bluetooth isn't the issue. The major stumbling block is the marketing message itself.

If you send content designed for Wal-Mart regulars to folks shopping at an import car dealership, then yes, it will most likely annoy them. But it's not primarily because the message is sent by Bluetooth; customers get most perturbed by advertising that is irrelevant and therefore just plain stupid.

On the flip side, right now Bluetooth marketing has a great "cool" factor. And Bluetooth done right can be incredibly effective with all demographics. Case in point, the brilliant Bluetooth campaign by Mercedes Benz at a recent car show in Remini, Italy.

At that show, Mercedes set up an incredible exhibit featuring a souped-up Mercedes Benz sports car. Through slick-looking signage, visitors we're encouraged to turn on their Bluetooth phones to receive exclusive car previews and to download electronic gadgets. Notice that recipients not only accepted the content. They actually stayed around long enough to download larger files to their cell phones, rather than simply move onto the next display.

Think about the implications of Mercedes Benz's Bluetooth marketing for your high-end business.

Luxury consumers are not averse to Bluetooth advertising. They simply disdain irrelevant and annoying marketing. So don't send them schlock. Do what you already do and market to affluent clients according to their interests.

Via Bluetooth, spa owners could broadcast facial openings, tennis court reservations, restaurant menus with ordering options, and more. Auto dealers could send brochures on specific vehicles through Bluetooth, which customers could then email to their spouses--at the very moment they're excited about the vehicle you're pitching them!

Don't shove Bluetooth marketing in the "cheap tricks" bin. The future success of your business and its logical embrace of new sales channels is at stake.

If you're ready to begin Bluetooth marketing, contact Lucky Rock Consulting.

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Friday, June 6, 2008

Bluetooth Advertising and Spam - Bluetooth Advertising and Proximity Marketing Blog

In the next couple of days, I'll post yet another Bluetooth Done Right case study. In the meantime, let's talk about one of the biggest obstacles to widespread Bluetooth adoption.


When many people hear about Bluetooth marketing they automatically hit the spam button! That is, they think anything unrequested delivered to theirs or any other phone, is automatically a huge intrusion/invasion and is SPAM!

If Bluetooth marketing were mindlessly and relentlessly delivering content to Bluetooth devices and their owners, it would be spam. But the Bluetooth Done Right by the Lucky Rock and other smart firms is completely permission-based. Folks accept or reject content sent. And recipients who dismiss advertising are never hit again.

Think about today's drive home from work or your latest grocery run. Billboards everywhere--most of which advertise products you're completely uninterested in. Now imagine on your next trip that those irrelevant billboards are gone...forever. That's how Bluetooth Done Right works. If you reject content, you never see it again.

Yes, spam is the reason most people don't read their email anymore. But Bluetooth Done Right is nothing like spam. In fact, successful Bluetooth actually reaches folks who are interested in the content being sent and respond accordingly.

If you're ready to begin Bluetooth broadcasting, contact Lucky Rock Consulting.

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bluetooth Advertising for Shopping Centers - Bluetooth Advertising and Proximity Marketing Blog

Bluetooth advertising and proximity marketing blog - Jervis Centre picOn the heels of our post last week about Bluetooth marketing at Trafford Centre--a huge Manchester, England shopping mall, here is news of Bluetooth marketing being trialled at Dublin's Jervis Centre.

As the linked article mentions, Bluetooth proximity advertising not only allows a retail center to brand their in-house shops. It also opens the door to third-party promotions. Such adverts could generate huge revenue, especially at peak shopping seasons. Christmas anyone?

Also keep your eyes open for Bluetooth-based foot traffic tracking boxes. GPS-based units which log customer movements are already here and Bluetooth-based recorders will arrive shortly.

If you would like to get started with Bluetooth broadcasting at your shopping center(s) or other retail locations, contact Lucky Rock Consulting. We'll help you purchase Bluetooth broadcasting equipment and even create Bluetooth-friendly media critical to successful Bluetooth campaigns.

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bluetooth Advertising for Banks and Credit Unions - Bluetooth Advertising and Proximity Marketing Blog

DBS Bank - Site of Bluetooth advertising campaignToday we bring you news of a great use of Bluetooth marketing by a Hong Kong bank. Read about it here.

I must say that open folks' eyes to Bluetooth advertising, causes me to wonder what pioneering salespeople introducing the telephone to businesses must have experienced. No, Bluetooth marketing isn't quite as mission-critical for business as the telephone or personal computer. But Bluetooth proximity marketing can work so well for a such wide swath of companies that I believe it will revolutionize the corporate landscape.

Case(s) in point, just this week I spoke with the organizers from one of the world's largest trade shows, a Pool & Spa chain, a luxury yacht broker, several real estate marketers, a supersonic jet designer, and many others. Do you get the picture?

If you want to get started with low-cost, highly successful Bluetooth marketing, contact the Lucky Rock.

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Monday, June 2, 2008

Bluetooth Advertising for Travel Agents - Bluetooth Advertising and Proximity Marketing Blog

Greetings and Happy Monday! Today we bring you news of a Bluetooth advertising campaign which achieved phenomenal results for a U.K. travel agent. Check it out here.

In other news, today I received many call backs from companies interested in Bluetooth marketing. Whether you're a commercial real estate broker, multi-chain restaurant executive, or grocery store manager, Bluetooth advertising can greatly improve your bottom line--for about the price of a newspaper or billboard advertisement.

If you want to get started Bluetoothing, contact Lucky Rock Consulting.

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